It’s on: Mm vs. Harmonix in the Developer Showdown.


Voting for the first round of the Escapist’s March Mayhem Developer’s Showdown 2010 begins today. It’s a chance for the public to vote for their favourite developers. A chance to show the world who truly has the biggest and most persuadable fan base. A chance for The Escapist to treble their readership. But most of all, it’s an all out horrible teeth-gnashing bloody battle to the death to see who is the BEST DEVELOPER EVAR.

In this first round, we are up against Harmonix, a David and Goliath situation, and yet despite that we are committed to victory. There is a very slim chance of achieving that victory, it’s basically a suicide mission, and that is why we have chosen YOU to fight for us whilst we hang out behind the lines drinking tea.

Now is the time people! Sign up and vote for us, the true underdogs of this war. Do your duty and vote, vote, vote for Molecule! I’ll lead the charge! The 900 billion people who own Rock Band won’t even know what’s hit ‘em!


Vote Molecule!

Note that you need to sign up for an account at The Escapist to vote
OR apparently you can also sign in with Facebook.
Once you are signed in, and then head into this forum post to vote for us.  (please :) )