7 unseen concepts that shaped Tearaway


PlayStation have released a brand new post on their blog this afternoon sharing a bunch of previously unseen concepts from Tearaway! We've been working together with PlayStation and our very own Rex Crowle, Creative Lead on Tearaway and Tearaway Unfolded, to create a special piece for their blog to celebrate Tearaway Unfolded being free on PS Plus this month.

There are so many fascinating (and not to mention beautiful) concept artworks from the early development days of Tearaway hidden away in the depths of our archives at Mm that we decided now was the perfect time to blow away the cobwebs and share them with the world!


When you’re making a world from one single material, it creates all kinds of interesting questions that you have to try and answer. Does fire hurt you if it’s made out of paper? Does paper-rain make you wet? We had a lot of fun arguing about things like this.

“These concepts I put together for our genius engine-coder Mark, as we were figuring out how papery-weather would be represented in the world. I still really wish we’d been able to add those papery rays seen radiating out of the clouds, especially if you could have climbed up them!

Rex Crowle

Head on over to the PlayStation blog now to see the other concepts and read the rest of Rex's piece: https://blog.eu.playstation.co...