Anna and Harry’s Molecule Work Experience!


Have you ever wondered what work experience at Media Molecule might be like? We love encouraging and supporting the next generation of games makers here at Mm, and we always try our best to help out as many budding developers as we can here at our tiny studio.

Recently we had two young students come and spend a week here with us. Anna and Harry are both keen programmers so they spent the week with our lovely Mark Zarb-Adami (Programmer extraordinaire) trying out an early build of our forthcoming Play, Create, Share adventure Dreams, and we asked them to reflect back on their experience over the week to share with you all!

Take it away Anna and Harry…

“Hello, World.”

 A common phrase for inexperienced programmers which evokes joy upon seeing it printed into your first command line application. Similar joy was found by me and Anna upon arriving for our first day of work experience at Media Molecule on the 4th of July 2016.

From just outside the doors we could see a bright pink carpet and multiple paintings, crafted models and more, all made to imitate the memorable games which Media Molecule have produced in their time. This feeling of a relaxed and fun workplace continued as we went inside after having rung the bell. An open floor plan with more monitors than I could bear to count cemented to me that this was most certainly a team working together to achieve their next big dream: Dreams.

After having received our passes into and out of the office for the week we met Mark Zarb-Adami, a charismatic programmer who would advise us over the coming week. We also met Zewei, who was also here on work experience, albeit focusing on a completely different aspect of game development: art.

Anna and I, despite lacking experience in C++, pushed onwards with the supportive advice from Mark and managed to finish our project of making exports from Dreams a more efficient process. Zewei also got to grips with the Dreams engine and managed to create art far above what Anna and I were capable of.

Come lunch time on our first day, we headed upstairs to find an expansive and luxurious space for playing with the latest tech, virtual reality head gear and eating. The upstairs also housed a well-equipped kitchen staffed with chefs who created excellent and healthy dishes every day. To summarise our brilliant and exciting week of insight into the games development industry: we’ve had a really awesome time learning about the various processes required to produce a video game. It has been fun and interesting every step of the way and we have greatly enjoyed our time here!

Here’s a couple of snaps of Anna and Harry’s final creations made entirely in Dreams – beautiful flowers! Great job you two, they are amazing! We had to take them outside into the garden for a photo shoot...

Anna And Harry Work Experience 3 D Prints 2

It was an absolute pleasure having Anna and Harry with us in the studio, and Zewei too who was working alongside Francis and focusing on art in game development.

Mark Work Experience

Anna, Mark, Zewei and Harry - captured at just the right moment :)

We wish all three students the best of luck with their future studies and careers! Hopefully we’ll be seeing you all very soon :)

If you’re interested in applying for work experience, feel free to drop us a line at, but please bear in mind that we're already fully booked for the summer period. We love inviting as many students as we can into the studio though so we may be able to fit you in at a later date this year (but we can't make any promises)! Thanks everyone :)